What about worship?
Embracing the tradition, embracing the future
Since the dawn of the Christian Church, believers have gathered every Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We recognize our need for His grace – forgiveness, new life, and the hope of eternity.
Acknowledging our imperfections, we find comfort in the Good News: through Jesus, God forgives, renews, and guides us to live in His ways, bringing glory to His name.
We receive Christ's benefits through the Word of God, shared in readings, sermons, and songs, as well as in the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
We live by love empowered by the Holy Spirit, enriching lives by sharing the message and teachings of Jesus.
At Immanuel, our worship follows the Church Year, which commemorates significant events in Jesus' life and the Church's history. Our liturgical worship is deeply rooted in the Bible and historical practices of the church. We appreciate a good-humored joy in our “formality” and embrace a range of musical voices and media in service of God’s Word.
Immanuel offers a blend of the old and new. We value ancient traditions that connect us with the broader Christian Church across time and space, fostering spiritual growth in our relationship with God and one another.
Join us in our journey of faith, tradition, and community at Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Why Immanuel?
Discover, connect, and grow with us
Just Looking? We see compassionate followers of Jesus inviting people from all walks of life into a learning, loving, living community of hope where questions are welcome, answers are discovered and acceptance is freely given. It's good to ask questions. Faith questions are perhaps the most important life questions of all. Immanuel is a safe place for asking questions and exploring answers together!
We view the bible as a sacred text that emerges from the lived experiences of a faith community. Our commitment to the historic Lutheran Confessions, found in the Book of Concord from 1580 A.D., guides how we interpret the Bible in community.
We read the Bible, confess our faith, and live it out. Our confession isn't just a set of beliefs; it's a way of life—a personal relationship with Jesus. It encompasses not only what we believe but also how we live out our faith in the world. Our faith journey centers on following Jesus, rooted in the Bible, guided by ancient apostolic teachings, and enriched through centuries of community conversation.